ANS CR, Austrocontrol, Slovenia Control
One Air Traffic Management System (OATMS)
The One ATM System joint undertaking is a technical and commercial initiative to renew the Czech, Slovenian and Austrian Air Navigation Service Providers’ current ATM systems in phases between 2007 and 2012. In its efforts, it aims to maximise the benefits for the stakeholders, especially for the airspace users, by minimising life-cycle costs for the system and the services, by following the Single European Sky principles and by striving to achieve the targets of harmonisation and integration.
APAC was in charge of the management of the One ATM System EWIV (EEIG), including project, quality and configuration management. In this context, APAC set up a management system in compliance with ISO 9001/SES Regulations for the legal entity One ATM System EWIV (EEIG).