EAD Consortium Frequentis
EAD (European Aeronautical Information Services Database)
APAC performed project, quality, training, test and configuration management in the EAD Programme, for an overview please go to: http://www.apac.at/TeamEAD/ . APAC took over the management responsibility for EAD and performed a project re-initialisation. Under APAC’s management, EAD was developed in less than three years in accordance with the planning at the project re-initialisation.As part of the Programme Management, APAC set up a management system in compliance with ISO 9001 and SES Regulations for the newly created organisational unit for EAD. Under APAC’s management, EAD was developed in less than three years in accordance with the planning at the project re-initialisation. It has now been operational since 2003-06-06.
APAC was also in charge of safety management and provided security consulting services to the supplier. In order to do this efficiently, a joint safety and security team APAC/EUROCONTROL was formed. This team developed a combined safety and security approach providing an efficient and effective implementation of applicable safety and security requirements.
APAC took also over the EAD client migration management and was contracted to manage the Pilot and Alpha Client Integration into EAD, which included co-ordination with Eurocontrol, about 15 ANSPs, GroupEAD, CSC Copenhagen, the EAD System Supplier and the production of SLAs, specification and development of Client specific SW as well as managing the Client’s integration at the IT site. Management of the implementation of the EAD safety and security requirements at the Clients was also a major task of this project.
For more information see: PDF (175KB)