EATMP- CEEC (Central and Eastern European Cooperation) - EATMP Framework
APAC was the consortium leader of CEEC (Central and Eastern European Cooperation) - a consortium that successfully submitted a successful bid for the EATMP Framework.
Nine companies in four countries founded a consortium to offer SW development, safety, operational and management services in the ATM environment.
EEC-CEEC (Central and Eastern European Cooperation) - EATMP Framework
APAC was the consortium leader of CEEC (Central and Eastern European Cooperation) - a consortium that submitted a successful bid for the CEE Framework.
Eleven companies in six countries founded a consortium to offer research expertise for Sector Safety and Productivity, Network Capacity and Demand Management, Airport Throughput, Innovative Research and Society-Environment-Economics in the ATM environment.
Evaluation of the EATM Safety Assessment Methodology as a means of compliance with ESARR 4
EATM Safety Assessment Methodology is a harmonised set of working practices for Air Navigation Service Providers to assess the safety of the proposed changes to their systems.
APAC has been contracted to evaluate the EATM Safety Assessment Methodology as a means of compliance to ESARR 4.
SESIS – EUROCONTROL support for the creation of Guidance Material for NSA and ANSP
EUROCONTROL established the "SES Implementation Support" (SESIS) project, whose scope was to assist National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs) and Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSPs) in the context of certification. Accordingly, EUROCONTROL developed guidance material for NSAs to certify ANSPs against the Common Requirements (CRs), and for ANSPs to comply with the CRs and be certified.
APAC has been contracted to support EUROCONTROL in the creation of the guidance material.
SESIS – EUROCONTROL support for the creation of Guidance Material on Common Requirements Compliance on Quality
EUROCONTROL established the "SES Implementation Support" (SESIS) project, whose scope was to assist National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs) and Air Navigation Services Providers (ANSPs) in the context of certification. Accordingly, EUROCONTROL developed guidance material for NSAs to certify ANSPs against the Common Requirements (CRs), and for ANSPs to comply with the CRs and be certified.
APAC has been contracted to support EUROCONTROL in the creation of the guidance material to fulfil the Common Requirements on Quality, for example, the development of guidance material and supporting documentation on ISO 9001:2000 certification.
SESFARR – EUROCONTROL support for the Factual Review & Reporting on the SES
APAC supported EUROCONTROL in the development of the questionnaire that addresses States, NSAs as well as ANSPs and aims at obtaining a factual review of the implementation status of the SES Regulations, using the results as a basis to create a report for the European Commission.
Development of SeRT Course 6 Requirements “Detailed ESARR 3 Training”
APAC was contracted to develop requirements for a training programme that will enable the delegates to describe the SMS concept in depth as well as to design an ESARR 3 Implementation Plan to enforce ESARR 3 within the national safety regulatory framework and, finally, to regulate against a national rule based on ESARR 3 (including the verification of compliance with ESARR 3 requirements).
ASSIST Level 1 Support – Knowledge Management Database for SES Guidance Material
APAC has been contracted to develop a Knowledge Management Database for related SES Material (e.g. SESIS Guidance Material) by EUROCONTROL. The aim of this project is to increase the usability of the available material.
ECRA - EUROCONTROL Documents Restructuring ARTAS
ARTAS is a very important safety critical surveillance data processing system widely used in ATS. EUROCONTROL contracted a team to upgrade the ARTAS product to meet at least the SWAL 4 (recommended minimum requirement for operational ATM system) to the highest possible extent. APAC 's role in the consortium is, among others, to assess the current system, identify the gaps and to verify the correct upgrade of the system.
Development of ESARR 3 GUI for interpretation of ESARR 3
The EUROCONTROL Safety Regulatory Commission developed Safety Regulatory Requirements (ESARR 1 to ESARR 6). To support the harmonised implementation of the ESARRs, several standards such as Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMCs) as well as Guidance Material were developed. APAC was contracted to develop an ESARR 3 Guidance Document addressing monitoring and verification of implementation of ANSP resources and Critical Incident Stress Management ( CISM), ICAO material on SMS, including inputs from workshops and SRC deliverables in local languages and Safety Oversight of safety training, incident reporting and human factor elements.
Comparative Analysis of the Irish and Austrian CAAs and ANSPs
APAC was contracted by EUROCONTROL to perform a comparative analysis of the management systems in Austria, Ireland and the theoretical civil aviation system to support Cyprus focusing on best practice and conformance with SES Regulations and ISO 9001 with regard to the selection and implementation support for an appropriate model for the civil aviation organisation
The purpose of CIMACT is to integrate civil and military air traffic data to provide the user with a comprehensive overview of the air situation. It provides information on all basic ATC functionalities and safety nets and uses a variety of supplied data inputs. APAC was contracted for the safety assessment as well as the analysis to identify the gaps of the existing system with regard to the required SWAL level identified during the safety assessment as well as the compliance with ISO/IEC 12207.
LARA is a EUROCONTROL airspace booking management system for civil/military coordination. APAC was contracted to carry out the preliminary safety assessment of LARA to be reusable with modifications as minimal as possible for the ANSP’s safety cases, as well as the safety assessment of a specific implementation at an ANSP.
APAC was contracted by EUROCONTROL’s Institute of Air Navigation Services (IANS) to develop the ESARR 5 training course, mainly for ESARR 5 national focal points, safety regulators working in connection with ESARR 5 (licensing staff, competency assessment staff for engineers and technical personnel, safety oversight).
APAC was contracted by the Safety Regulatory Unit and EUROCONTROL’s Institute of Air Navigation Services (IANS) to develop the SES training course. This training course is dedicated to National Supervisory Authorities to support them in gaining the required competence to meet their requirements. The training course will provide an introduction to the Single European Sky and will form the basis for further training.
APAC was contracted by the Safety Regulatory Unit to support the implementation of ESARR 1 and the Commission Regulations 1315/2007. This training programme is designed as a series of workshops that will be dedicated to certain topics and will, on the one hand, provide the theoretical basis, and on the other hand, guidance for the practical implementation.
APAC was contracted to develop standardised checklists and high-level questionnaires for the Peer Reviews to be performed in accordance with the principles established in Article 9 of Commission Regulation (EC) N° 2096/2005. The aim of the documents and material developed by APACis to support the NSAs in performing the peer reviews, a process based on a “teach and learn” approach aimed at improving the NSAs’ arrangements through the exchange of lessons learnt and good practices. The peer review involves the NSAs under review and a dedicated team (the Peer Review Team) composed of experts from other NSAs and a facilitator.
APAC was contracted with the development, conducting and result analysis of a survey among the international users of the SKYbrary platform. The SKYbrary repository provides free safety information products to its user community (aviation stakeholders worldwide) and is managed and maintained by EUROCONTROL. The ‘SKYbrary user survey’ project analysed the existing SKYbrary community and identified next steps to be taken in the platform’s development. An expert in knowledge management was closely involved in the project. The survey was carried out online involving more than 650 respondents worldwide, and was followed up by detailed interviews of a representative sample of survey respondents. The APAC team analysed the survey results and released final reports containing a detailed analysis, strategic recommendations and a roadmap for future actions to be implemented in order to achieve the development goals of the SKYbrary knowledge platform.