Irrespective of whether they are internal or external to the EUROCONTROL organisation,
the stakeholders that will be involved in the EAD activities can be further
categorised depending on whether they will be directly involved in the Service,
for instance as users of the delivered services, providers of data to the
EAD, or providers of the Service itself, or not.
The Service will eventually
require the participation of the organisations from all ECAC member states
as providers of aeronautical information to the EAD and will, in turn, make
available and deliver such information to the users, which include the AIS
themselves, ANSP organisations, airline operators commercial air carriers,
other air space users and commercial data providers. These stakeholders have
the opportunity to take part in the EAD Service in a variety of ways.
External Stakeholders
A number of companies have committed themselves to the programme by forming
the consortium responsible for the development of the EAD system. The companies
involved in the implementation of the system are Frequentis Nachrichtentechnik,
Avitech, Austrian Product Assurance Company (APAC), Nedgraphics, Mekon, ISO
and Solitec. The consortium will design, develop, test and deliver the EAD
Europe S.L.
GroupEAD Europe S.L. is the company contracted by EUROCONTROL for the development
of the Service and, only upon fulfilment of specific conditions, for the subsequent
provision of the Service, on behalf of EUROCONTROL, for a term of 5 years.
Group EAD Europe S.L is a private limited liability company, registered in
Spain, and owned by Aeropuertos españoles y Navegación aérea
(Aena), Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS) and Frequentis Nachrichtentechnik
States' AIS provider Organisations
The organisations which, in each of the 38 ECAC member States, are responsible
for the provision of the AIS will participate as data providers and data users
in order to meet the requirements set out in the Permanent Commission decision
No. 83.
At present, 5 of such
organisations will be migrated to the EAD in the framework of the EAD Programme
and will be able to operate with the EAD as from the start of the Service.
Subsequently, during the first year of operation of the Service, AIS providers
from another 12 ECAC Member States will be also migrated to the EAD.
Airlines throughout the ECAC area and beyond are expected to become data users
of the Service. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the General Aviation community
will also be a significant user of the EAD via the Internet.
The EAD will not solely serve the civil aviation community but is also designed
to be used by the military organisations throughout the ECAC area, both as
data providers and data users. The "Amt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr"
(AFSBw) of the German air force will also be migrated prior to the start of
the Service.
Commercial organisations involved in the production of value-added services
and products for the airspace users will also become clients of the Service.
A clients group will be established. All types of clients will be represented
in it with the purpose of capturing new requirements and informing the clients
on future evolutions of the EAD.
Steering Group/Service Steering Group
The user community is represented by the EUROCONTROL Programme Steering Group
(PSG) as part of the EATMP working arrangements Group, which will later be
replaced by the Service Steering Group (SSG).