ISO Software Systeme was founded in 1979. The company with its head office
in Nuremberg and branch offices in Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart and Hamburg
employs a staff of around 180 people and provides IT solutions and consulting.
ISO focuses on but is not limited to the following business branches:
1. Airports, with IT-solutions for airport management including Airport operational
2. Air traffic control, with international projects in the field of tower
systems and AIS systems
3. Tourism, with own products for tour operators, incoming operators and airlines
4. Document management and PDM systems
5. SAP R/3, consulting and development for airports, construction industry
and administration having competence in almost all R/3-modules.
Subsystem PAMS
PAMS (Published AIP management system), provided by ISO, is a document management
system to handle published AIP, AIP Supplements, AIP Amendments and AICs.
The system provides the Data User and Public User with the following services:
- Viewing of published AIP documents,
- Downloading of AIP documents,
- Printing the AIP documents,
- Viewing of the same document by several users simultaneously.
And in addition to Data Provider:
- Viewing the history of the documents,
- Check-in of AIP documents,
- Check-out of AIP documents,
- Deletion of AIP documents.
The system is integrated in the EAD environment and provides interfaces to
other subsystems of the EAD system.
Use of COTS Products
PAMS is based on ISO's COTS product flash DMS. Flash DMS is a tool box which
builds the platform for user_specific document management applications. Flash
DMS provides the following basic functionalities:
- User authentication,
- Check-in of documents,
- Check-out of documents,
- Downloading of documents,
- Retrieval of documents,
- User interface to define selection criteria for document retrieval,
- Viewing of documents,
- Deletion of documents.
Flash DMS uses a client-server architecture with the server being a UNIX based
system with the RDBMS ORACLE, and the client application being based on platform-independent
Web technology.